471TC/472TC-Hydraulic Hose
471TC/472TC No-Skive Compact HoseEN 857 2SC/ISO11237 Type 2SCNo-Skive hose construction -compact design. 472TC: Nitrile (NBR) inner tube- extended fluid compatibility. Reduced bend radii. Highly abrasion resistant tough cover. Reinforced by two high tensile steel wire braids. Synthetic rubber cover. Suitable for Small bending radii demanding medium pressure hydraulic applications. 471TC tube: Synthetic rubber.472TC tube: Nitrile (NBR)Recommended fluids: Petroleum and water-glyrcol fluids lubricating oils, air and water.For air above 1,7 Mpa the hose cover must be pin pricked. Temperature range: -40 up to +100 (C)Exception: Air: max. +70 Water: max. +85Fitting Series: 48